Market Research Terms
Last updated:
March 2023
I agree to participate in market research interviews and/or surveys (‘Market Research’) and warrant that I understand and agree to all terms included in this Agreement. I understand that, in the process of this Market Research, I will provide feedback, observations, comments, suggestions, ideas, recommendations and other information to Stables (‘Information and Feedback’). I acknowledge that Stables may provide me with a financial incentive to engage in said Market Research, which shall be my sole monetary compensation for agreeing to these terms.

Intellectual Property
I give permission for Stables to use, publish, edit, or reproduce my name, photograph, image, audio and/or video recordings in any form, including audio and visual - or as agreed between the parties, for internal purposes.

I understand that this material will not be used for marketing purposes (unless agreed in writing with you). I agree that Stables has the right to use any and all Information and Feedback in its sole discretion for any reason, including incorporating it into its products and services, without providing me with notice, payment or obtaining my consent.

I hereby assign to Stables all right, title and interest in the Information and Feedback I provide, and any products or services which may incorporate or derive from such.I understand and acknowledge that all tangible and intangible information, including technical specifications and other information submitted hereunder by Stables to me, shall remain the property of Stables. I understand that nothing in this Agreement is intended to assign or transfer Intellectual Property rights form Stables to me.

By clicking ‘I Accept’ you confirm you have read and consent to the following;

I understand that, in its sole discretion, Stables may provide to me Confidential Information for the limited purpose of me providing Information and Feedback. “Confidential Information” is information disclosed,  in any form, about Stables’s products, services, prototypes, ideas for improvement, and user experience of any other information which may reasonably be understood as Confidential.

Treatment of Confidential Information
I agree;
- Not to disclose Confidential Information to any third party;
- Not use Confidential Information received by Stables except for the purpose of providing Information and Feedback directly to Stables.

I understand and agree that any breach of the above is considered a direct breach of this Agreement unless, and to the extent that the Confidential Information;
- is known by me at the time of receipt;
- is or becomes part of the public domain without breach of this Agreement by me;
- is legitimately obtained by me without a commitment of confidentiality from a third party; or
- is disclosed pursuant to judicial action or government regulations, provided that I notify Stables prior to such disclosure and cooperate with Stables in the event that Stables elects to legally contest and avoid such disclosure.

Rights, Licenses and Acknowledgments
This Agreement and the furnishing of “Confidential Information” shall not be construed as establishing, either expressly or by implication, any grant of rights or licenses to me or any relationship between the Parties.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, I;
- Indemnify and hold Stables harmless from and against any personal injury, reputationa
- l harm and any and all other claims, action or losses that I may incur participating in the Market Research, regardless of whether such claim action or loss is caused or contributed by Stables’s conduct, omission, negligence or willful misconduct.
- agree and understand that I am releasing, discharging and waiving Stables from any claims or actions that I may have, presently or in the future.
- Indemnify Stables for any loss, damage, reputational loss, expense or claim suffered by Stables in connection with any breach by me of this Agreement.

This Agreement is to be construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth and shall terminate two (2) years from the effective date of this Agreement.

- This agreement may not be varied except in writing agreed by the parties;
- This Agreement is governed by the laws of New South Wales and each party submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of New South Wales;
- This Agreement may be executed by electronic means.