Community update: March 2022

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March 31, 2022

March was all about consolidation and putting in the work required to deliver our recently added roadmap.

Here’s the updates for this month


Front end development of the web app UI continues — we’ll be dropping a sneak peek later this month so keep an eye out. The essential back end functionality required to ensure balance data and transaction flows are timely and accurate is currently being built by the engineering team. Combined these two streams of work will result in a smooth user experience that simplifies an otherwise complex process.


Earlier in the month we held our first live event on Discord discussing all things tiiik. The team enjoyed the opportunity to answer questions from the community. We’ll share a summary over the coming weeks for those that missed it.

Setup of our email platform is nearly finalised, so expect to start seeing community updates and announcements in your inbox.


The first border crossing is complete with product accessibility expanding to include accredited investors from New Zealand. If you fall into this category, hold tight for a little bit while we finish building and soon you will be amongst the first earning with tiiik.

Exploration into fast-tracking access to tiiik for retail investors is underway. Given the greenfield nature of this industry, there are a number of potential paths that may enable us to open up to a broader audience earlier than expected.

Research into global AML / KYC vendors continues as we look towards expanding accessibility. The underlying technology driving tiiik is designed to be universal so that we can easily launch into new regions once we have the appropriate regulatory approval.

Stay tuned for next months update. You can also join the community on Discord.

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